Degreed In Chinese Medicine, Shenzhen China

Massage Therapy Specialist

“Since 2007”

Attention Men

This is not a business for Johns looking for prostitution.

Any sexual communication or conduct will be reported to the Alexandria police department.

  • Standard Rates

    30 Minutes - $45

    60 Minutes - $80

    90 Minutes - $120

    120 Minutes - $170

    Gift cards are available!

  • Hours

    Our services are by appointment only. Please text (or call) to schedule a time.

    Phone: (218) 405-0287

    Monday - Friday - 9am - 5pm

    Saturday - 9am - 2pm

  • Services

    We provide acupressure massage therapy. A technique based on the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine that uses finger pressure to mobilize “Chi” 氣 (or life force energy) at specific spots on the body called acupressure points, also known as acupuncture points or acupoints.

Payments Accepted


1210 Broadway, Suite 210

Alexandria MN 56308

(next to UPS Store, Downtown Alex)

(appointment only)


9am - 5pm


9am - 2pm

(218) 405-0287